Really STOKED to show off the new poster ANTHRAX commissioned me to do for their 40th Anniversary!!!
I’ll have a signed & numbered edition available to my newsletter subscribers soon! Sign up if you haven’t already!
You can also pre-order it direct from the band HERE
*These will not be signed by me.
My friends and I grew up on Anthrax! I remember dubbing “Spreading The Disease” and “Among The Living” from my friend Jason Denzer back in 1987!!! (Buying blank tapes was more economic for my poor ass! But that's another story.) Those albums were how I (and a million other teenagers) learned about Judge Dredd and Stephen King and “Thrash Metal”! We would take baseball caps, flip the brim up and write “ANTHRAX” or “MOSH” on the underside! We were dorks!
Anthrax was in all the music magazines like RIP, Hit Parader, and Metal Hammer that my friends and I would pore over as we loitered for hours at the record stores in the mall. I vividly remember how they had Mike Zeck’s Punisher, Brian Bolland’s Judge Dredd, and other comic book art airbrushed on their guitars.
My first concert was supposed to be Anthrax with Celtic Frost in 1987, but my mom wouldn’t let me go because Anthrax was named after a disease! I didn’t care! But my mom did… thanks for nothing PMRC! So my first concert ended up being Kiss with Ted Nugent. I eventually got to see them when they toured with Ozzy Osbourne in 1988 for the “No Rest For The Wicked” tour! Thanks again to Dawn Dessereau for taking me!
Fast forward to 2015 and I was a guest artist at Col. Tony Moore’s Cincy Comic-Con and met Charlie Benante (riffologist and drummer for Anthrax). They were in town for a show and he dropped by my booth. Charlie kindly put us on the guestlist for that night. He also picked up a few of my monster prints and we stayed in touch. Last year he hit me up to design his quarantine album “SILVER LININGS” (which will be out on 7/16/21)! and right after that Z2 Comics asked me to design a poster for their Anthrax “Among The Living” graphic novel (which will be out 7/6/21)! I’ll post about that stuff…later!
The Z2 project led to me getting the opportunity to design the poster for their 40th anniversary! It’s been a crazy 12 months!!!
My beardless teenage brain would never have guessed I would get to create work for a band that had so much influence on me and my career! And I can FINALLY say that I got to do posters for the BIG 4 - Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica, and Slayer!!!